What we do / Health economic modeling & meta analysis
Why do we need modeling?
When payers make decisions about which technologies and/or services to fund, they must assess the clinical and economic value of feasible alternatives through a consideration of costs and appropriate outcomes over an appropriate time horizon for a range of patient subgroups.
Clinical trials are designed for measurement and hypothesis testing, so they often fail to meet the requirements for decision-making.
- Systematic literature reviews and network meta-analysis to support economic modeling and HTA submissions
- Clinical landscape and data comparability assessments
- Indirect treatment comparisons of non-randomized data
- Network meta-analysis and indirect treatment comparison of survival data
- Meta-analysis of epidemiologic and other non-clinical data
- Matching adjusted indirect comparisons
- Simulated treatment comparisons
An unrivaled mix
We are committed to providing an unrivaled mix of technical expertise and strategic insights in the field of health-economic modeling and evidence synthesis. With our bespoke approach, we work with you to assess your needs and develop a solution that is right fitted to you.
Cost-Effectiveness Model Development
- Economic models to support reimbursement submissions around the world
- Early models designed to inform commercial decision-making
- Population-based dynamic transmission models
- Global core models and country adaptations
- Microsimulation of individual patient disease progression, treatment pathways, and outcomes
- Simple calculators illustrating costs and outcomes
- User-friendly graphical user interfaces
Budget Impact Model Development
- Nationally representative estimates of the budget impact to government payers
- Models supporting economic value messages for AMCP dossiers
- Graphical user interfaces and web-based applications for use in payer discussions
- Systematic literature reviews and network meta-analyses to support economic modeling and HTA submissions
- Clinical landscape and data comparability assessments
- Indirect treatment comparisons of non-randomized data
- Network meta-analysis and indirect treatment comparison of survival data
- Meta-analysis of epidemiologic and other non-clinical data
- Matching adjusted indirect comparisons
- Simulated treatment comparisons
Trial Analyses
- Survival analysis and extrapolation
- Trial-based economic models
Why us?
Our modeling experts are actively involved in the field. We have the experience needed to partner with you in research and guide you to the right solutions.
Projects delivered
HTA submissions supported worldwide
MMA experts
Cost-effectiveness models delivered
Get in touch
To learn more about our health economic modeling and meta-analysis research capabilities and discuss what we could do for you, please get in touch.