What we do / Interactive analytics & communications

Explore. Interact. Understand.

We provide strategy and insight to create unique solutions to make your messages clear, understandable, and engaging.

HEOR data is increasingly complex.

Interactive tools can help your message be understood by diverse audiences with different needs.

Interactive visuals are best at communicating insight, generating action, and inspiring effective decisions

Create a narrative

Alternate narrative perspectives can be shown from a single display by interacting with different features with versatility

Keep it simple

Interactivity creates layers of presentation ability, displaying key messages, with additional “details on demand”

Make it visual

Good design creates an engaging, easy-to-use presentation


Interactive analytics put data interpretation AND data analysis in the hands of audience

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We are your partner for success

Digital is at the heart of our work.

>20 years of HEOR expertise
Award-winning digital services capability
Dedicated team of developers

Our collection of tools enhance many communication approaches

Interactive data analysis reporting

Patient journey maps

Value stories

Data playbooks

On-demand, custom analytics, models, and meta-analyses

Stand-alone/offline web pages

Data organization and visualization

Interactive analytic tools

Customization and PDF reporting

Literature review and compendia results navigation

Objection handlers

Interactive literature review data explorer

Interactive journal appendices

Case study: Interactive analytics

Polished presentation of results where users can select and calculate their own scenarios.

Interactive analysis & communications

Get in touch

To learn more about our capabilities and discuss what we could do for you, please get in touch.

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